This team maintains the church buildings and grounds to keep its appearance inspiring and its environment comfortable and safe.
Work Days are held quarterly on Saturday. Maintenance of the building and grounds is performed by this team of hard working volunteers in an atmosphere of cooperation and fun which leads to a sense of accomplishment and pride in a job well done.
The team members pull weeds, prune shrubs, add bark to planting areas, deep clean the kitchen and appliances, wash toys in the nursery, wax and refinish woodwork, clean carpets, clean chairs and pews, wash windows, and paint. In short, they do whatever else is necessary to keep the facilities in an inspiring, comfortable and safe condition.
On Work Day workers can expect to receive lunch and participate in a brief business meeting during lunch at which they will discuss future project and identify facility needs.
The time commitment for team members can vary from as little as one hour to eight hours on a Work Day. In addition, some team members can volunteer to be called upon between Work Days to assist with jobs that need to be done before the next Work Day. As with all the teams, part of the team commitment is to be available for training and a general volunteer meeting once per quarter.
If you are interested in this team please fill out a volunteer information form indicating this team as an area of interest.
To talk with someone on the team contact Don Wilkinson 707-470-9302