Musical Christmas at Unity!
Join us on Sunday, December 22nd at 10:00am for a MUSICAL CHRISTMAS
Featured Musicians...
John Shinn
Melissa Olsen
Melting Bowl Ceremony
Sunday, December 29: Melting Bowl Ceremony
Release the old and move into the new year with a clean slate and set your…
Check Out Our Monthly Newsletters!
Click here to view or download the December newsletter to your phone or computer.
Click here to view past…
Bookstore Hours!
The Bookstore is open on the 2nd & 4th Sundays after the 10am service or during regular office hours!
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are looking for ways to lend a helping hand, the following teams are looking for you!
Usher/Greeter - This team is "…
Our Bookstore is Now Open!
It is open the 2nd and 4th Sunday before and after 10 a.m. service or during regular office hours!