History and Archive Team


Work done by the History and Archives Team includes:
Saving and sorting newsletters, Sunday bulletins and programs from special events.
Clipping and preserving newspaper articles about the church which include published minister’s messages and community activities of members.
Photographing special functions, new members Sunday activities and other events.
Selecting items and photos to be placed in albums.
Scanning, editing, and copying photos to save in digital files.
Placing original articles and photos in archival storage boxes to be saved for posterity.
Time commitment varies depending upon the amount of material to be archived.  As with all the teams, part of the team commitment is to be available for training and a general volunteer meeting once per quarter.
To make the history books, CD’s and digital files all-inclusive and informative, we appreciate receiving photos, poems and other information about the church and its activities from others.
If you are interested in this team please fill out a volunteer information form indicating this team as an area of interest.
 To talk with someone on the team, contact Warren Spayth at  707-761-3626 or wcspayth@gmail.com