This team supports our spiritual community in having a full, rich prayer life.
After a period of training and mentorship. chaplains assume personal responsibility to keep what is said to them confidential. They learn to "hold the high watch: knowing and holding a vision of the good God has for the person with whom they pray. They practice prayer and meditation personally to ensure that they are "prayed up" and ready to serve others.
As leaders, chaplains join with the minister in guiding the Wednesday evening servies and particpating in the Sunday services. They are always available for personal prayer.
Chaplains make monthly wellness calls, visit people in their homes and in the hospital, lead prayer services, teach workshops, and pray with individuals who ask for prayer. The time commitment varies depending upon the needs of the community. At a minimum Chaplains spend 3 hours per week in service. The team meets monthly for one hour on the first Wedneday of the month at 7:00p.m. As with all the teams, part of the team commitment is to be avilable for training and a general volunteer meeting once per quarter.
If you are interested in this team please fill out a volunteer inform form indicating this team as an area of interest.
To talk with someone on the team contact Rev. Dalia at 707-447-0521 after 11:00a.m. or before 7:00 p.m. on week days email revdrdalia@gmail.com